Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 3: Sam and Dean come first.

As the cool people know, today is the premier of Supernatural season 8! This my dears is a very very special day; you gotta love the Winchester brothers! So in honor of this occasion I decided to skip one day of Asian and go Supernatural style.  My menu: Deans favorite burger, chicken taquitos, tater tots & of course PIE! 
Don't judge me :)

Dean's Burger:

Ground Turkey (a little healthier)
BBQ Sauce
Mix together & grill until cooked the way you like
Top with Cheddar cheese, a fried egg & a little more BBQ Sauce!

Chicken Taquito's 
3 Cups of Shredded Chicken
1 1/2 Tbsp Sriracha
1 package Taco seasoning
3 Tbsp Taco sauce
2 cups shredded sharp cheddar 
Package of small tortilla's

Mix together chicken, sriracha, seasoning & sauce.  Fry each tortilla in a frying pan for about 30 seconds on each side, until warmed all the way through.  Top the tortilla with a spoonful of the chicken mixture & a pinch of cheese. Roll up and place seam side down on a sheet pan. Repeat until everything is used up.  Bake at 350 for about 30 minutes or until slightly browned on top. Serve warm with sour cream and salsa :) YUM!

Eat in front of the TV while watching America's favorite Brothers!

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